
Sunday, April 3, 2011

★ 30-Day Organize-athon Day 3

Welcome back
Ok One day i will have lots of followers hahahaha

Todays task was Organize Your Kitchen Utensils 

Well I am starting to believe that she has a hidden camera in our house
To show you the reason for this i need to go back to the beginning of today

Being a Sunday i as usual decided to sleep in until i was somewhat rudely awoken by a phone call and a text message both at the same time so I can't really blame either for waking me up
Probably a good thing as it was past 10am anyway  Wasn't fully sleeping but wasn't really awake either
Mother-in-law was on the phone and my friend Mel sent the text to see if i was awake and wanted a chat

Got of the phone to the MIL and rang Mel 2 minutes into the call the beeps sounded so told Mel i would ring her back as it was MIL showing up in the caller ID part
Talked to MIL again then rang Mel and we chatted for about a hour or 2 as is our standard chats lol

Finally got of the phone and came out to the lounge and thought after the first challenge of cleaning the living room there was still more i could do here
Think it was the dust bunny that tried to eat my leg that gave me the hint

Got a bucket of water and added vinegar to it and started wiping down all the surfaces with my cloth
No sooner has i started and i looked at my cloth and it was black with dust bunnies hopping everywhere

Ok i haven't dusted for a a long while

Spent about 2 hours on my hands and knees dusting then wiping everything in the lounge with my vinegar solution
Got Moth to climb up and get the filters out of the airconditioner and give the aircon a swish and a swipe with all the dust falling down onto my nice clean stereo and table Needless to say i was not happy but i dealt with it and was able to quickly wipe the dust bunnies of before they settled into their new home

The lounge is all now sparkly clean with no dust at all and the space under the stereo no longer has the WII board (now in the cupboard in the entertainment unit) The picnic baskets (now back in the car where they belong) and the 4 jigsaws(sitting in the laundry as it is the closest to the back door deciding whether to keep them and store them in the linen cupboard or to walk them another 10 steps and put them outside ready for the "garage sale/tip/lifeline bin"

MOTH got the broom and swept away all the bunnies and other paraphenalia that ends up on the floor in this house from DD 5 and the messy dog

Went into the kitchen to have a brunch/afternoon snack and commented to Darren about my utensils draw being a horrific sight but with everything else we had to do that i wanted done this was overlooked once again  This is why i believe that there is a hidden camera somewhere here as this is now twice i have commented on something and that has been our task for the day

Got Jalans curtains down and went to get the cafe curtains down as well to make a full load and realised how grotty they had gotten Sent MOTH out to put the curtains in the washing machine while i scrubbed the rods and ends so that they did not stick to anything they touched 

With the curtains down i could see where Hubby had previously cooked his chips in the deep fryer  and let the smoke blow out the window which had caused a lot of grease and grime on the window sill, sides and on the screens so up her went to clean and scrub it off  He did half then said i cant do the other side as the window is in the way of it so i promptly walked over and took the window out if its casing and leaned it up against the stove so he could do the job properly
He hadn't realised you could take them out so easy Sliding windows are magical that way
He then finished cleaning the window sill and got down cleaned the sliding one on the floor and returned it to its original position all nice and tidy
Next week hopefully we start on actually cleaning the glass in the windows

Don't know about this cleaning thing. It is actually motivating us to get up and clean cause the 5 minute tasks makes that look really good but everything else around look crap cause it is so neat and tidy

Now here are my before and after pics of tonights task

                                              My before shots
                                                 Note the mess

                                       All the stuff on the bench
                                             My nice clean empty drawer
                Found some damage to my drawer which i am not happy about
 My rack near the stove where most of my utensils hang and yes there are doubles as hubby usually cooks for him and Jalan and then when i cook the main utensils are dirty so he uses one set i use the other
 My nice neat drawer afterwards and yes i use each and every thing in this drawer on a regular basis  The meat tenderisers have different size things on their heads depending on what meat im bashing
I am happy The MOTH is happy although he wonders how long it will stay this way
I said as long as you don't mess it up a long time as the rest has been thrown out

Then cleaned the bench and sat down to say i had done my task and do my nightly blog

Realising now I probably could have done the 365 photo challenge now while doing this challenge lol have been adding pics to each blog

Thank you to the organiser of the challenge.  It is actually making me want to do the tasks and then clean extra which is so unlike me. 

Goodnight til tomoro my friends

Luv Deb

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