
Saturday, April 23, 2011

★ 30-Day Organize-athon | Day 24


Well it is Easter Sunday and what a day it has been
Jalan comes in early to wake us up and let us know it is Easter
Oh boy the Easter Bunny hadn't been yet and she was a bit disappointed but figured it gave her more time to do craft  Truth was mummy was so exhausted last night that she didnt set it up after Jalan had gone to bed

Luckily enough we are looking after the neighbours chooks so Darren and Jalan head over to feed the chooks and Megan and I rush around the house putting out little eggs everywhere and her easter presents out and pouring baby powder on the floor and trying to make bunny prints  This we found is a bit harder than it looks

Jalan comes back and the look on her face was priceless She started following footsteps and asking questions and picking up easter eggs  She was so excited 

After she had collected all her eggs and presents we did more craft and put the Roast pork on for lunch as Nana and Pa were coming over

We finished the decorations just in time for them to get here
As we are teaching Jalan both sides of the story we have been doing craft from the bible as well   When i put the cross in its pot i asked Jalan who was crucified on the cross  Her reply  "The Easter Bunny"   Ok i think we have had enough learning for one Easter  She got confused about it all

We had a lovely lunch and a yummy dessert made by Rowan then Nana and Pa went home to get ready for their next stop at Pa's sons place for dinner

Cleaned up with the kids digging into the easter chocolate and rabbits 

4:30 the phone rang and it was a friend seeing if they could bring their son over for a play date for a while and some sanity for them   I said yep come on over and then went to drop Megan of for her shift at work  Did a bit of shopping and scored some fantastic bargains for morning tea for the next few weeks with Jam donuts and lamingtons (no not for me) we put them in the freezer in separate bags and then one can be taken out and defrosted at a time so that no one just eats them for the sake of eating

Talked my friends into staying for dinner and we had a lovely meal of chicken and salad and some fantastic company

Finally time to relax so i turn my computer on and todays task is

Organize Your Bedside Area  

Oh the cruelty of it all  as my bedside area is totally trashed at the moment and i am totally exhausted but i have the one advantage tonight  We are in Australia and get our tasks at night  so this one I am leaving til morning so that I can not only complete the five minutes but actually clean my whole room and air it all out and make it actually look like a bedroom again rather than a junk room  

The room itself is not bad but with doing a lot of craft over the last week or so it has been severely neglected and when looking for stuff i need I have just trashed everything and havent put my clothes out to be washed My magazine holder was needed for a pattern for a craft we are tackling soon so the magazines got dumped onto the floor and other bits and pieces have migrated there as well 

So until morning it is staying messy/trashed and i am going to say good night  but at least i am once again caught up apart from adding the pictures to my blogs  

Night all 

Luv Deb


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