
Friday, April 1, 2011

★ 30-Day Organize-athon Day 1

Started out so excited this morning
Jumped out of bed early and headed straight for my computer for my first challenge and logged on to the 30-day Organize-athon site for my first days instruction and along with others keen to join the challenge and waited and waited and waited

Realising it was the first of April sat thinking hmmm is this someones idea of a April fools joke   Posted to the wall of the  OrganizedWizard challenge asking was it a joke
The reply came letting us know that yes it is that date in Australia but not in the US where a lot of the readers are  so therefore will be starting our time tonight

Great so only got caught by one April Fools joke

"Massive earthquake hits Loof lirpa Island off the coast of NSW - massive tidal wave predicted for Australian east coast stay alert"

With all the Tsunamis and stuff lately nothing surprises me so yep i got caught 
Turned on the TV to see how bad it was going to be only to sit and watch with nothing about it coming on for a while  Finally dawned on MOTH that it was a April Fools joke then looked at it again and laughed and congratulated the person who got me 

Yep we call them Tidal waves not Tsunamis here We are just too big hehehhehe

Went into town and picked up a Dora sit and spin that i had purchased on a facebook sale for Jalan for a bit more exercise and then went to lunch at the Gladstone Hotel in Toowoomba 
The meal was absolutely beautiful and we could not fault it  I then spent my customary $10 on the pokies and won $15 a $5 profit  After lunch i then proceeded to lose my $15 but had a enjoyable lunch 

Came home in time to pick Jalan up from school Talk to the after school people about booking her in just in case we are delayed or have a meeting to go to 

Came home and caught up on my emails and argued a bit on a site where as far as i was concerned i had won an item from a online auction but the owner said i hadnt so got a bit stressed out and sent a few emails back and forth then posted on the site and promptly got banned for posting screen shots of the truth and disagreeing with what was said 

Darren (MOTH) by this stage had done Jalans treatments for the afternoon and her physio and fed her the usual Friday night fare of Gems ok so the every second night fare of Gems ok most nights unless we want to argue  and get her upset and then she wont eat anything at all  Some nights it is actually interspersed with chips or on the odd occasion meat and vegetables (2 -3 bites of cauliflower and 4 bites of mashed potato if we are lucky and 1 small cob of corn) Oh and 1-2 bites of meat 
At least with her Gems she eats about 10-12  
At a pinch or stress this might be changed to 1-2 pikelets with maple syrup and a chocolate custard for dessert  

We honestly do try other foods but mostly it is just left on her plate with a yuck im not eating that or with one lick with the same comment thereby rendering it totally inedible to anyone apart from the dog 
That is if we dont catch her before she adds it to the garbage bin thereby rendering it totally inedible 

Darren went of to a coal mine meeting and left me at home with a child needing a bath that curled up on the chair beside me and was asleep before he had even closed the back door 

He got home just as i remembered that i hadnt got my email for todays challenge so went looking for it  
Logged onto facebook and went to the page and read the challenge 

Yep you guessed it  The only challenge i didnt want today  The lounge/living room 
AAAArrgghhh they read last nights blog i know  
Read the blog and nearly cried  Darren gets home to me madly rushing around grabbing the camera to take before and after shots to prove YES i did it  
He thinks i have gone nuts but that is nothing new 

Due to the crappy low watt lighting we now have and the colour of my lounge the pics are not the best but it at least proves I DID IT 

 My computer table and lounge chair  Crap on the coffee table that should not be there and my feral lounge with the broken curtain clips behind it 

                                   *Note craft baskets behind the chair

      Really bad glaring but pretty cool ghostly effect   Can i say i have ghosts???        

                        Jalan crashed out on the lounge chair still in her uniform
         Wine rack and a playstation stand the green chair and mess on the floor

                                Looking over the coffee table to the stereo

Start the timer and rush about cleaning up and putting stuff where it actually belongs rather than all over the lounge  

Even swept my couch of all the little bits and pieces and gave Darren the paperwork in a bag to put into the office/sewing/junk/craft room which once i declutter it the *craft baskets behind my chair and all around the fire place and kitchen table can move into the correct room rather than between the living room and dining room 

Posted on
to say that i had completed my first task 

And here are the pics to prove it  

 Nice tidy coffee table with just remote control holder and remotes IN it and tissue box  No i havent done the magazines underneath as i am comfortable with them at the moment 
 Nice tidy empty couch ready for someone to actually sit on it now it is clear
 Daughter gone from couch and showered and put to bed  Pillow on the chair is for my back and my Simpsons tablet tin waiting for me to take my tablets
 Nice tidy wine rack and Playstation stand all neat and pictures back where i like them with nothing in front of them  My photos are very special to me and i do not class them as clutter regardless of how many i have  The candle on the PS stand is a special candle from a very special holiday we had at a awesome place called Paradise Kids It sits on the piece of cloth that has  a special message to our family from them  It is a harmony circle  Paradise Kids provides holidays for families with children with life shortening illnesses  and helps parents and children deal with grief and loss

Note now the WII remotes are actually back in their holders and sitting nice and neatly on the stereo where they actually belong rather than anywhere in the house   All Jalans excess belongings are now back in her room where they actually live normally 

The floor is even swept as well 
Well out to the dining room anyway as the rest of the house now needs sweeping 

The excess stuff is also now off my DVD cabinets as well and only my photos are up there like it should be 

As you have probably gathered i love my photos which is why I am not happy about the quality of the ones on this blog tonight 
Probably should have waited to do the task in the morning like a normal person but i really dont like mornings and never really want to do anything with them 

So officially this being morning for the US works well for me as i can do my decluttering and cleaning at night when i am more alive and it will be nice and clean to wake up to which may actually help me to minimise my depression looking at the mess each day when i get up  

Hubbys quite surprised at this though as i usually just facebook most nights lol 
Oh and guess what he got up and fixed the broken curtain hooks for me woooohoooo 

Well thats me for today  Hope everyone had a good April Fools day  

See you tomorrow night after i get and finish my next challenge 

Luv Deb

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