
Saturday, April 23, 2011

★ 30-Day Organize-athon | Day 18


Todays task was

Organize Your Storage Containers 

Hmmm Well this was a fun one and is still ongoing  

5 minutes is no where near enough for this challenge 

With a cupboard looking like this 

(add pic)

and this 

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and this 

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It could take a while   

Due to my son going through a stage where he was going to move out I had done this recently and had it all nice and tidy and organised  Then at crunch time he decided he wasnt going to move into a place of his own but going to live at his Sperm donors house 

Lately i have been pretty slack with this cupboard I do like to keep it neat and organised so i can find what i need and get very annoyed when the lids are missing of their containers  I am trying to mainly have Tupperware containers as they seem to keep my food the freshest over a long amount of time 

I threw out all the el cheapo containers that i have collected that break as soon as you look at them There is still more in here than needs to be thrown out or recycled  so it really is a ongoing project at the moment 

But here is the after 5 minute pic 

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And here is the final pic 

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 Went to a focus group at Carers Qld today to help other parents with ASD teenagers and how the school deals with them and communication with the parents  

While I was there Darren dropped Jalan of at Art Workz for a easter craft session  We picked up a deal online with Grab One Toowoomba    It is usually $20 a session for kids craft  but with the Grab One deal we got each session for $10 instead  They are 90 minute sessions where you can drop the kids and have some free time while someone else does the craft 

She loved it and made a tin for collecting easter eggs 

(ins pic) 

Did some colouring in and had a easter hunt 

Darren then picked her up and then me and then we went over and spent 2 hours with nana 

All in all a good day 

 Luv Deb



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