
Saturday, April 23, 2011

★ 30-Day Organize-athon | Day 19


Well todays challenge was

Organize Your Outgoing Space   

Interesting challenge -  What is my outgoing space 

We dont have a specific outgoing space and we dont have any books or anything that needs to be returned  

We dont have room to put a table at the door but what happens here is we have a spot for our keys in our room after a friend of my sons when visiting decided to move our keys and other stuff around causing a lot of ummm cursing and yelling 

Anything that needs to be taken with us for the day is put on the table with Jalans rehydration drink as we know we have to take that with us no matter what 

Usually we have very little stuff apart from wallets and mobiles that need to go with us and my mobile is always either attached to my jeans or pants by its lanyard or if i am actually taking a handbag with me to the handbag as i would forget my head if it was loose 

Brought some drawer dividers and some more hooks today so that i can have each thing where it belongs  Finally brought a new cutlery tray for my drawer as well as i am tired of my cutlery sliding everywhere when the kids open the drawer   The last one was pretty gross and couldnt be cleaned easy 

The new one has a non slip grip and is easily wiped down so now that is neat and organised too


Luv Deb 


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